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Old 12-19-2005, 04:23 PM
Andrew Fletcher Andrew Fletcher is offline
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Default Re: So this doesn\'t turn into a Public PM session...

I think it is a function of WWII. We're really suspicious of extremism in any form, right or left. Jews have traditionally been anti-communism, no matter what some people say.

I went to a public high school and currently a small working-class college in Central PA. My education has been itneresting, but I never had a liberal teacher who forced their views on me. In fact, my main memory from high school is a very conservative teacher who did not like me at all. I actually wasn't a liberal until very reccently-- I was a "radical", sometimes even called myself a socialist. It wasn't until I started really reading books about socialism and communism that I realized that I hated everything communism stood for.

But I also knew I wasn't a conservative. I started reading more about the history of liberalism-- not the Fox News or ultra-left paradoy of liberalism, and came to my senses. It's been an interesting journy. What about you?
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