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Old 12-19-2005, 03:35 PM
tylerdurden tylerdurden is offline
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Default Re: Thank God for Roosevelt thru Bush 41

A crime is only comitted when there is a law that is broken.

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So before anybody wrote down "thou shall not kill" it was right and just to murder? But after someone wrote it down it was suddenly not OK?

I find it hard to believe, that in a web-forum populated by so called "anarchists", that there would be all this talk about the Civil War being immoral and criminal.

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Why? Possibly because you have a limited view of anarchy. Not all anarchists desire chaos.

Newsflash: when there is anarchy, might ALWAYS makes right. If that was not the case, then the United States would not invest 25% of its total GDP in the military. Don't ever underestiamte the persuasive power of a big gun.

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What you're saying is might makes might. Duh.

I may be getting side-tracked here, but if there is ever a state where there is actual anarchy, like some of the people on this forum advocate, it would collapse very quickly. Inside, there would be a Hobbesian slaughter, and either a new government would be formed, or another country will come in and take over.

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Why? It is possible for people to cooperate voluntarily to defend against aggressors. What magic does government bring to this effort?

THAT is why government is necessary, and saying that "so-and-so was a bad president because he did too much" won't win over that many supporters. Presidents are bad when they do things that are detrimental to the country, not when they do too much.

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Bank robbery is good, *as long as you're the bank robber.*
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