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Old 12-19-2005, 01:36 PM
Mathemagician Mathemagician is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 54
Default Re: Matt Matros article from Card Player: AK and Fold Equity

OK, so flop is Kxx. Pot is ~$24. He checks, you bet $18 (2/3 pot) and get called. Pot is now $60 and you both have $70 left in front of you. Turn blanks, he checks. What do you do? Do you check behind, guaranteeing a river bet from any two cards? Do you make even a half pot bet on the turn where if you get called, you're facing the river with a $120 pot and $40 in front of you.

I guess I just don't see where the 12BB reraise makes your later decisions any easier, but rather sets you up for some nasty decisions on later streets in big pots with TPTK.

I do appreciate your willingness to discuss this with me. I have a good bit of trouble with this scenario, especially when I'm not playing at 100% of my 'A game'.

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