Thread: College pranks
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Old 12-19-2005, 09:44 AM
Koss Koss is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 38
Default Re: College pranks

I went to a co-op school where we're in school 3 months then work 3 months, and it operates year round. That means half the school is working while the other half is taking class. Our frat house was constantly looking for ways to dick the section of students that moves in immediately after we're done with class. In our last day at school, as a "going away present" we went on the internet and found some of the nastiest porn out there. Grandmas, horses, gay stuff, you name it, we found it. We took the 10 worst pictures, and printed off 100 each, and hid them everywhere. 1000 pictures and all, stuffed everywhere in the house imaginable. They will be finding this crap for the next 20 years.
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