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Old 12-19-2005, 07:37 AM
diebitter diebitter is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 417
Default Re: Would you kill a man who\'s robbing you? (long)

How do you guys handle a knife pulled on ya? Here's all mine:

1) A guy pulls it out - it's a nasty-looking stilleto, he's holding it like he knows how to use it - but he's mistaken me for a bouncer(!) in a club - one of whom has taken his girl (ie she left him for this bouncer).

I talked him around, that I wasn't a bouncer, we shake hands, end of drama.

2) A little turd and his gang called me 'lurch' or 'jaws' or something talking about my size while I was running, so I stopped and approached him. He pulled out a knife, but he looked like he was gonna faint. I remembered my 'warriors' (the movie), and told him to put it away or I'd stick it up his ass. He did, and said sorry.

3) A guy in the street (nutter I think) just pulled it out and started to call me every name under the sun. I backed away, and just walked around him, giving him a big space. He just ranted on, and stayed there. Ahh, just some nut.
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