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Old 12-19-2005, 04:10 AM
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Default Re: The best odds for/against god

First of all there is a god or supreame "thing" that we call god. If you dont belive in a something bigger than ourselfs you are backwards, everything did not come from nothing. Its your view of this god that is important and should be discovered by you alone. Religon is the aid to this type of thinking that most people dont do. Believeing in a religon is a headstart to realizing that we and everything else are significant in a very small way. Heaven was created by christianity and is ment to be a reward to living an honest life, which most people dont live. You should think for yourself what will happen in the afterlife and belive in that instead of heaven/hell. It would be shallow to decide to live falsely beliveing in a heaven created by god only because you want to be a part of heaven. Or trying to convince yourslef throughout your lifetime that there is a heaven, and living accordingly to what is said to get you in. Live the way you want believing in what you want and you will not have to live your life trying to believe in something someone else told you was true. I bet if since the beginning of christianity you were told to walk backwards every full moon to get into heaven everyone would be doing that instead of beliveing in their "god" or taking part in their religon. Find your own truths.... nothing in our world is certain anyways.
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