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Old 12-19-2005, 01:13 AM
CountDuckula CountDuckula is offline
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Default Re: I got someone at Absolute fired ( Microbob long)

It doesn't really matter you can think whatever you like. I just didn't like the fact that I felt I was being blown off.

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What you fail to see is you weren't blown off. You were given an answer. He told you exactly that the request had been processed, sent to shipping and he couldn't give you any more information. You kept nagging and nagging after he told you he couldn't give you any more information until the guy snapped.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, to start with, the CS rep lied. The USPS most certainly does do tracking numbers; I sent a package off a couple of months ago with one, and followed it until I knew it made it there. The CS rep should have talked to his manager and said, "Hey, boss, I've got an unhappy customer here; what can we do for him?" I've been in CS myself, and you never, ever let something like this go on without raising it to a higher level, if you can't deal with it yourself. And you certainly do not blow off a customer that way. Anyone who deals with customers should have "The customer is not an interruption to our business, the customer is our business" firmly embedded in his brain.

This wasn't nagging, this is a customer with an unfulfilled order being given the runaround. The CS rep here deserved to be reprimanded at the very least, and if this was part of a pattern of behavior, fired. But it was Absolute's prerogative to handle it, and the OP has nothing to be ashamed of.

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