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Old 12-18-2005, 07:59 PM
oreogod oreogod is offline
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Default Re: 2 intresting hands for the day

okay so talking with GoT and he's cracking up about BT's advice. When I played the Q9s hand, my goal was to get a discussion on the idea that Tannenbaum presented. I suppose it was retarded, but I found it intresting to see this idea in a cardplayer (something I had not really read before). I have no idea if the writers there are decent/good players, etc.

anyway some of GoTs chat (he went off on this for a bit).

GoT: he completely ignores thefact
GoT: that betting vs checking
GoT: even when you do get exactly 1 caller
GoT: gives you good turn folding equity
GoT: and also
GoT: when you get 2 callers
GoT: you get to check it thru
GoT: as opposed to checking the flop
Me: at least 45 percent equity on that flop
GoT: i.e. not making any money
GoT: and then calling the turn
GoT: when the pot is TINY
GoT: i.e. making v little money
GoT: betting is w/o a doubt
GoT: the best option

Me = retard for today. But you cant fault me for always finding intrest or wanting to start discussion on ideas I come across, retarded or not.
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