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Old 12-18-2005, 03:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Default The Variance Of Life.

I thought i would take this as an oppurtunity to finally register and make my 1st post, seeing as I've been lurking these forums for several monthes now..

Anyways, I've been playing poker for about a year now, and for the 1st 9 monthes i was plain and simple horrible - mostly because i never really gave myself a chance to move forward, not realizing the importance of being properly bankrolled. Anyways up until about 2 monthes ago i was 600 down in my poker career. That all changed when i decided i would deposit $150, buy SSH by 2+2, and try to help build my bankroll with a paradise poker bonus. Everything turned around and in the past 2 monthes I've worked my way up from .25-.50cent limit with a $150 bankroll to 1/2 6max limit with a $1200 bankroll. My recent developments reached a pinnacle last weekend when i made $500 while clearing a 80 dollar reload bonus at Party Poker. Looking back, it was incredible to see i had changed from a hopeless gambler to a poker player in training, who was steadily and consistently improving his game.

So last night i dropped 130 at Bet365 shortly after i had cleared my $100 bonus (i was up at that point mind you) then proceeded to switch sites (figuring my disgusting misfortune at bet365 was an isolated incident) to Play at Party where i went on to lose another 100.

I felt like garbage even though i understand variance and the way this game works.. I called it a night down 230 and decided to have a drink and smoke a joint before bed.

Well what a mistake that turned into. I was awoken at 430am to the sound of someone pounding on my front door - it was the old man who delivers our newspapers. He wanted to let me know all my doors of my car were wide open, and so was my trunk - It hit me like a load of bricks - my car had been broken into.. My decision to have a drink and smoke a joint led to me forgetting that i needed to remove my cd player faceplate, and ALL MY VALUABLES, INCLUDING about 200 DOLLARS IN CHRISTMAS PRESENTS i had purchased yesterday.. And to top it all off, the thiefs decided to senselessly smash my windshield with something large i assume, further increasing the cost of the deductible i would have to pay to my insurance company..

So here i am out 400 dollars due to insurance, and about $200 out because of the stolen gifts. What a weekend..

This thread has no real point but to vent a little and examine the variance.. of life..

For a 19 year old who makes 11 dollars an hour, a $600 loss is hard to swallow; I'm hoping to take this as an oppurtunity to buy a couple more books and really put my poker game into full drive. Possibly a turning point in life and a lesson learned the hard way.

Sorry for the lengthy read folks.
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