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Old 12-18-2005, 02:22 AM
lightw1thoutheat lightw1thoutheat is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 88
Default Re: Big Coincidences You\'ve Experienced

a few weeks ago, a friend of mine (alex) was over and she wanted to watch some movie i had never heard of. turned out to be "heathers" some 80s flick. im not interested, but she and another friend (mike) of mine watch it, i play poker.

when they finish, my friend (woden) comes in, looking for something to do. so we start drinking, then decide that we want to watch something kinda violent. so woden and i go to another apartment and pick out "resivour dogs".

heres where it got weird.

just as all four of us finish watching resivour dogs, my roommate comes in. i knew he had a class or something that night, but i wasnt sure what. he is pissed that we just finished resivour dogs, because he had to screen it that night in his film class. when he asked what else we did, "heathers" came up. this is when he turned very pale.

as it turned out, in his class that night, they had screened heathers and resivour dogs, in that order, on the same night we watched the same without ever knowing what he was up to.

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