Thread: Please Explain
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Old 12-18-2005, 01:30 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: Please Explain

why would it be any different to address this issues in person as opposed to via e-mail or over the phone?

Is it just for your own self-satisfaction? Because I don't see an in-person tongue-lashing actually provoking them into changing their policies.

Darren seems to believe that those players who didn't make it to the target were not deserving of their full percentage.
He made this decision after the fact....or maybe he was in charge of this decision all along and the various vip-reps were misrepresenting the situation (my original rep seems to have completely vanished...I really don't think she's there at all anymore).

Obviously he would have been wise to keep his players happy and just give them what we were told we should/would be getting.
But he decided not to...and has heard from a ton of players about it I'm sure.
So what good would it do to tell them this in person?

They also would have been wise to not screw around with the December bonuses and pretend like the Santa and touchdown things were a viable substitute.

I have barely played any hands there this month because I'm getting better incentives elsewhere (I just started to clear away my $100 reload bonus though just for kicks).
I have also told them that I am looking forward to getting my incentive for December and hope that it is worthwhile because, for the time-being, my time is better spent on other sites.

Well, it's Dec 18th almost and still no real VIP offers. Just a regular reload as well as a couple mostly-pointless promotions that I'm not bothering with.
It's up to them whether they want to attract me to give a high-volume of hands there or not.

30k hands this month have gone to one of their rivals already from me alone that they could have had all for their own greedy little hands if they had just offered me ANYTHING remotely reasonabler.

Again, I even TOLD them pretty much, "I'm getting offers and incentives from all kinds of other sites. I would love to bring my high-volume play back to Party. What can you offer me?"
Their response was to wait (and wait and wait and wait) so that, I think, is an indication of how seriously they are taking the issue of retaining high-volume players.

I will of course go for the cruise package if I deem it to be worthwhile. But again, that's up to them.
Since they are only giving away 5 packages I might just look it over and decide that my chances of winning are too slim to make it worth my while (thus Party misses another chance to get me and my high-volume-ish play to return to their site).

I keep waiting for Party to do something. I keep waiting for them to actually want me to come back.
I'm still waiting. And, in the meanwhile, the other sites are benefiting.
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