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Old 12-18-2005, 01:09 AM
Bork Bork is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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Default Re: Can we have knowledge of the future?

Similarly, no objects will be both red all over and green all over simply because of what "red all over" and "green all over" mean. You don't have to know anything about the world to know that the statement will be true. You just have to know some word definitions.

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand they require different truth makers. One requires some events to take place in the future, and another can be said to rely on definitions and logic to be a certain way in the future.

My statement being a necessary truth is not relevant to whether it is about the future. It is a claim that a necessary truth will obtain in the future. It is obviously true and of dubious utility but attacking it on the grounds of whether its about the future is misguided.

Tomorrow, two plus two will equal four.
Tomorrow, the sun will rise.

Both are statements about the way things will be in the world tomorrow. The first happens to be the way things will be in all possible worlds but that does not mean it's tense doesnt modify it to include content about the future in the same way the tense modifies the second.
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