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Old 12-17-2005, 03:11 PM
CountDuckula CountDuckula is offline
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Default Re: Job That Couples Well w/ Online Poker On The Side?

Talk to someone who has given their two-week notice because they've decided to quit, often in part because of "the stress." How stressful was their work the last two weeks? It's almost always a breeze. . . not because the job has changed, but because THEY have.

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I was laid off from HP a couple of months ago; I had a month's notice. The last couple of weeks I was there was much less stressful, but not because I'd changed. It was because I was wrapping up my work and handing it off to other people who had to do it after my departure. I was relieved to be free of HP, even though being laid off is stressful in itself (fortunately, they gave me a decent severance package, amounting to about 4.5 months of pay, and a couple months' worth of benefits), because of the incessant deadlines; every time we'd meet one deadline, the next one was breathing down our necks.

While there is something to be said for how one's perceptions affect stress, many well-paying jobs are quite stressful in and of themselves.

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