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Old 12-17-2005, 05:25 AM
Agthorr Agthorr is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Eugene, OR
Posts: 30
Default Re: Call a Preflop Raise Once Commited?

The answer is "usually, but it depends".

Here are the factors I take into consideration:
<ul type="square">[*]How many players are left to act behind me, and are any of them likely to reraise?[*]How many other players are also tied to the pot?[*]Is my hand one that thrives on implied odds? (If so, be more inclined to call)[*]Is my hand likely dominated?[*]What are the raising standards of the raiser?[*]Can I get it heads-up with the raiser by re-raising, and would I want to?[/list]
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