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Old 12-17-2005, 02:48 AM
Punker Punker is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 297
Default Re: Taking a gamble in life

I had a friend who did financial planning, which was similar in that :

1) You start with nothing and must build a customer base
2) Commission with a draw
3) High turnover

Some people love it, some people hate it. I would have been one of the "hate it"s, but my friend was a "love it". The question should come mostly down to whether you enjoy what you are doing right now or not, and your other life circumstances that dictate whether you are in position to make a gamble of this nature (eg, if you are 35 and have two kids and a mortgage yourself, no. if you are 25 and renting and not attached, yes.).

I'd also be concerned about the longterm market for "subprime home equity loans" but that's just standard "aren't we in a real estate bubble?" thinking which I have no idea whether is true or not.
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