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Old 12-17-2005, 01:38 AM
mj2 mj2 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 54
Default Re: Job That Couples Well w/ Online Poker On The Side?

i have been playing full-time for 2 years and i have also been thinking a lot of finding a job to both do "something productive" and also to meet people and actually socialize again. so i thought teaching would be great. wow, was i wrong. i have a degree in accounting but have always liked math. so i did what was required to teach math which consisted of passing a few exams and taking a 40 hour class. well, i found out it was a ton of work. not only that, the kids were very hard to deal with. granted i taught in l.a. so maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you taught in a smaller city. my first day, i was told to f-off about 50 times and then in my last period, i was hit with a full gatorade bottle. needless to say, i didn't return the next day. i decided to try subbing which would give me even more time to play poker and i wouldn't have to grade tests, deal with parents, prepare lesson plans, etc. but it still sucks. i'm going to stick with it for a little while but i seriously doubt it will be that much longer.
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