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Old 12-16-2005, 05:48 PM
chezlaw chezlaw is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: London, England
Posts: 58
Default Re: Evidence and all that

Theory 1a: Lightning is forged by Hephaestus and sent to earth by Zeus.
Theory 1b: Lightning is an electrostatic discharge... etc. etc. (the details can be easily found on the web).

Theory 2a: Volcanic eruptions are caused by the Goddess Pele using her magic stick Pa'oa and earthquakes are caused by her stamping her feet (both of which occur when she is angry).
Theory 2b: Volcanic eruptions are driven by the ascent of magma.. etc. etc. (the details can be easily found on the web)

Theory 3a: Angels move the planets.
Theory 3b: See Newton, Einstein, etc.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Suppose that you will grant me that all the 'b's are accepted as true and all the 'a's rejected. Then one could form the theory, based on this evidence, that supernatural agents are unnecessary to explain natural events. On the basis of that theory, we can choose between your god/no god theories...

[/ QUOTE ]
I like this post, maybe we can grab hold of this meta-evidence idea.

On one hand you have theories that can be distingished by evidence. On the other you have theories that cannot be distingished by evidence.

Do you have any evidence that you can extrapolate from one to the other?

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