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Old 12-16-2005, 04:29 PM
BillsChips BillsChips is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
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Default Re: Near the end of my brief Online career -Whine

Regarding the small BR:

This is the way I approach every venture in life. Start small and test the waters, then increase the investment if it shows promise. This may not be the correct approach for Poker.

Another reason is that my BR for live play is in cash, so my wife doesn't need to be intimately involved in the details of how much money is involved. The deposit mechanism for Online play however, shows up on the credit card statement and thusly is more overt. Not that she would mind, but that would give her license to spend even more than she does now.

My plan was to withdraw $200 from Absolute and take a stab at other sites, but I played a few too many sessions and now that's on hold.

I'll be heading up to Foxwoods next week. If I do well, I might throw some more money at online poker and give Party a try.

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