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Old 12-16-2005, 04:10 PM
Aloysius Aloysius is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 15
Default Re: Failed my first class ever

OP - I believe there is a fairly straightforward, simple metric, that weights your LSAT and your GPA to come to a raw number for admissions purposes. Most US law schools go strictly by this metric I think. Ask your academic advisor, or just search online or go to a bookstore and you will find this.

Other considerations are factored in (e.g. if you were an Olympic athlete). Most notable other non-score consideration is quality of your undergrad education. There is a reason why at, say Columbia Law, like 80% of the admittees are from 10 schools.

The F will impact your chances at law school as it will be calculated in the above metric... but is also a red flag. You will have to think of some clever way to explain it away - again ask your academic advisor, or get some law school handbook crap, to assist you.


Edit - by "quality" of undergrad, I mean prestige, obviously the quality of say a Harvard education and a less prestigious undergrad education can be quite similar.
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