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Old 12-16-2005, 03:41 PM
cero_z cero_z is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 307
Default Re: 25-50 SH vs Layne Flack

Hi dp,

This is a pretty tough spot. There are factors pointing to calling (2 pair is big HU, you just slowplayed one big hand on the flop, T is obviously a scary card, LF plays pretty wild at times), and to folding (open-ender got there, T9 is quite possible for him, he could've had you on the flop, you've shown a ton of strength and he's still raising, you're likely way behind or not so far ahead).

You played it very well on the flop, though pushing would've been pretty sweet, too, since he can give you credit for a draw on that board. I would've bet less on the turn. Now, call.
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