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Old 12-16-2005, 03:12 PM
theweatherman theweatherman is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 82
Default Re: Young Marine dies in Iraq - not just another casualty

No doubt it is an integral part. I just feel that if the war was presented to the people as it is being done now there is no way in hell we'd go.

Since there are no WMDs it turns out that the only reason we went to Iraq is from regime change/ making halliburton bundles of cash. Now that reports of botched intelligence andout right lies is comingto the surface it is even more suspect what the actual goals of the operation were/are.

I'm not sure when the name is released but I'm thinking its sometime when it is too late to do anything about the war anyways so the name is entirely political talk imo.
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