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Old 12-16-2005, 03:06 PM
theweatherman theweatherman is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 82
Default Re: If I were a terrorist...

You keep repeating things like, "i hate to say this" etc. Thats because your post is full of flagrant racism.

This may suprize you, but there have been a number of waves of immigrants to this country (there is a good chance that you come from an immigrant line, i most certainly do)

Everytime there is a wave of immigrants, there are people who filp out about the end of the world caused by the evil Irish/Italian/black/arab/ people destroying our country. So far it has yet to happen.

Obviously this is slightly different because there is a numbe rof people who are pissed off at America (for what may be good reasons, but thats another thread)

Illegal Arab immigrants should be dealt with in the same way as any other illegal in our nation. To suggest they be treated any differently is outright racist and dumb. I hope every one of the people you hope to treat like this sue the government until we are broke.

Citizens, native born or naturalized, are granted full rights and protection by the Constitution. Assuch they should not be subject to anything outside of due process. Regardless of their skin color, or the fact that they happen to be from a predomiantly Arab or Muslim nation. Again see the quote i posted earlier in the thread.

Ben Franklin is right, compromising our national ideals by falling into thetrap of "security" means we have already lost. Whats thepoint of America if it is going to be like every other tyrannical state in history? There is none.

When the terrorists make us destroy our own nation from within they win big time.

FYI, you realize that the term Muslim is a religious denomination, not a nationality. Hence you cant deport Muslims anywhere, you can deport Arabs to their nation of citizenship.
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