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Old 12-16-2005, 02:45 PM
Riverman Riverman is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 84
Default Re: Conservative group wants to boycott Ford

I strongly disagree with the assertion that religious groups are the target of judicial oppression in the US. Please name for me any religious group whose opinions have been censored or abridged when the expression of such an opinion has not been in direct violation of established laws or constitutional guarantees. I cannot think of such an instance.

One area in which I think religious conservatives have a valid point is same-sex marriage in instances where its permissability is mandated my the courts. Still, I would encourage people who oppose gay marriage to engage in the political process (which they do). My point is that I think it is not only acceptable but healthy for society overall for groups to express themselves politically but I still think the religious right is a bunch of yahoos.
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