Thread: useless LC post
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Old 12-16-2005, 02:27 PM
J. Stew J. Stew is offline
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Default Re: useless LC post

Hi Shaddix, I'll throw in my two cents in hopes it will help. The things that are embarrassing are exactly the things you have to face directly. You can tell yourself that it doesn't bug you that you and your girl broke up, but it really does bug you so you have to deal with it without covering stuff up. The point of having a therapist is just to talk about stuff that doesn't make sense or that is confusing so I think you should just start there and get every little thing that is bugging you off your chest. If the next time you go to your therapist you have no fear about telling him/her every secret/embarrassing thought, I think you will feel at least a little better.

I think it's important to know that everybody has fears and insecurities that they are hiding. One of the problems with covering stuff up is that over time, you become really good at hiding stuff, even from yourself, and it gets to a point where you don't even realize you're being a fake-ass and you end up being confused and depressed. So I would say just be brutally honest with your self and your therapist. Sometimes it's scary to deal with all the fears and insecurities but remember that it is the process of dealing, honestly, with these problems, that builds your character and develops self-esteem in a meaningful way. Not like self-esteem in a "I'm so good and happy" way, but in a way that says yup I confronted my fears and I'm a badass because most people don't do just that.

So three things to consider would be:

1. Be brutally honest with yourself and your therapist
2. Know that everybody has issues and that you are going to deal with them head on, even when they are embarrassing
3. Don't lose your bankroll because you're feeling down.

Hope that helps bro, remember there's no quick fix to your problems, facing your fears is a continual process until you die so it's best to just understand that early and get good at it so you can enjoy life. -Stew
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