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Old 12-16-2005, 09:59 AM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Posts: 71
Default Re: My issue with the death penalty(rant)

"Your 'evidence' certainly in no way proves that they were right"

I think they would disagree. I submit to you that every level of the justice system that reviewed the case also disagreed, because Tookie is in fact dead.

"Nor does it in anyway prove that Tookie deserved to be killed"

That's what a jury of Tookies peers thought.

"nor does it prove in anyway that the death penalty is a just punishment."

That's what a jury of Tookies peers thought.

I've got an idea. Let's throw away the whole justice system because PoBoy321 doesn't think it's "right." Let's allow PoBoy to decide what is "right" and what is "wrong" for everyone.

Tell me PoBoy, is it "right" that an unarmed man was shot in the back and that two unarmed women were mercilessly killed by shotgun blast, one shot in the head, the other in the stomach, so long as you get to prove your point that it was "wrong" to execute Tookie?

"I'm really asking what exactly you are tryin to 'prove' with your 'evidence.' "

What can you prove with the 'evidence?' I'm proving that the justice system, in this case, worked the way it was intended to.
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