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Old 12-16-2005, 08:14 AM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: Young Marine dies in Iraq - not just another casualty

some people misunderstood my recent post - and I've clairified it, but I'll clairify it for you.

Yes, I fully support the men and women in the armed forces. I fully support their sacrifice and appreciate that they have taken a vow to protect the country.

Having said that, there is an implicit and yet unwritten vow that says we will not waste their lives in battles that are geared primarily to improving the financial status of Republicans.

We, as Americans, told him we wouldn't squander his life on petty personal squabbles or for anything less then the safety and protection of the United States, and I feel that we, both the Doofus in Chief, and we as Americans who elected him, failed to honor our part of the bargain.

I hope next time the security of this country is REALLY threatened, (not just the profit line) that we'll be able to ask those men and women to stand up there again and they won't have to have any doubts about the cause or reasoning behind that sacrifice.

Cause after all we've screwed them on with, from misleading them on intentions to screwing them post-war with Veteran's benefits, they have every right to tell us to go to hell on that one.

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