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Old 12-16-2005, 07:59 AM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: Young Marine dies in Iraq - not just another casualty

surprisingly, one of the freedoms that Marine died for is my freedom of speech. I'm allowed to disagree with said Commander in Chief - and I'm allowed to say that while I totally honor his sacrifice and protecting of those freedoms, I am ashamed that this president would use his service in what is essentially an attempt by the US Govt. to ensure ready access to oil reserves and reap great financial windfalls for his Texas and Halliburton contacts.

I'm not a pacifist, BTW - someday I'd like to see us actually do some good in Afghanistan and capture the guy who actually DID attack America. But of course, they don't have as much oil there....

of course, the young man is right - now that we've started a clusterfuck in Iraq we have to sacrifice more men to fix the problem we started....Lovely.

Taking our talking points from the Bill O'Reilly again, have we? When in doubt, just keep saying "shut up, shut up, shut up" -

such patriotism....

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