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Old 12-15-2005, 10:07 PM
Warik Warik is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 436
Default Re: You are welcome to rejoin civilization

By the way, I don't know why everyone is taking the extremist viewpoint and claiming that a lack of this policy should be all-encompassing. That is absurd and, quite frankly, beneath the intellectual level of most posters who frequent this particular forum.

Do you all believe that a 5 year sentence is cruel and unusual punishment for someone who, say, walks into an elementary school, murders a teacher, and then rapes and murders all of the under-age students? How about a 1 year sentence for someone who conspires with a group of people to kill the President?

Oh wait.... you believe those sentences are too lenient? OK - well, I agree... but I also believe a $150 ticket is too lenient for someone who speeds. Put that bastard behind bars and throw away the key! And jaywalkers? Why waste a perfectly good jail cell? Just put a bullet into their thick skulls!

What's that now? You're telling me that you can't compare murder and conspiracy to commit murder to something as trivial as speeding or jaywalking???

You know what? YOU'RE EXACTLY RIGHT!!!

....... so stop doing so.
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