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Old 12-15-2005, 08:31 PM
Evan Evan is offline
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Default Re: Students: What Classes are You Taking Next Semester?

Corporate Finance
Debt Instruments
Real Estate Capital Markets
International Studies Program: Chile (Global business/econ class where we go to a foreign country over spring break and analyze a company there)
One more as yet to be decided

School is NYU, all these classes are in Stern

Edit to add comentary:

-I didn't get the professor I wanted to CorpFin, so I'm a little bummed about that. My financial management class this semester went into a lot of the CorpFin toics though, so that shouldn't be too tough.

-I don't know that much about the Debt Instruments class. Proably won't be too hard or tooe easy. Basically it's something I'm interested in and it racks up finance credits.

-Real Estate will be killer. It's taught by Crocker Liu, for anyone that goes to Stern. He was my FM prof this semester and he's pretty hardcore (800 page course notes) but I learned a TON, so I'm happy with this one.

-ISP is required for all Stern juniors. Free trip to Santiago for a week, not much to complain about there.

-I still need to find a 5th class, preferably a general elective since I need more of those.
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