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Old 12-15-2005, 07:50 PM
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Default Re: lines bad players take that good players misinterpret

I think one line that many good players take that is often times considered *bad* is playing passively against TAGs at 6-max tables. (Relax, I'm not going to taking this too far).

I've read about 15+ posts in the last two days where villain has been read to be passive. One of the better defenses against 2p2'ers (aside from the TAG v TAG who's #$*& is bigger cap all street line) is sLAPping him. That is, loosening slightly preflop to hit the boards AK-AT miss, and letting the TAG bet for you in heads-up contests. (I'm not saying 94o OOP ... stress the *semi* in semi-loose).

Anyway, good & bad players alike take this effective defense against 6-max TAGs. Good players do it on purpose, while bad players do it by accident.

So, I'm wondering in these 15+ posts of very good, complex & interesting hands, how many of the villains were bad & passive and how many recognized Hero as a money guzzling TAG and played appropriate defense? Hmm...

Whatever, nevermind...
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