Thread: Hand...
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Old 12-15-2005, 05:28 PM
Grisgra Grisgra is offline
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Default Re: Hand...


It's a theme of my posts because I think it's what holds solid 10/20 players from being successful at higher limits. And I think many players don't even realize they are doing it. They just say, call down he'll have a flush draw here often enough.

[/ QUOTE ]

As a struggling 20/40'er -- 30/60'er I think you're right. I made a big step up in my 5/10 game when I was able to fold top pair on the turn, or on the river after calling one bet to see if I improved/counterfeited the raiser.

Obviously, that is a move that is much more difficult to make in a highly aggressive game where you often have much better reason to believe that your opponent might be bluffing, and I *do* think that there's so much confusion about that that it holds people back. Like you, I'm not sure what the right action is in this hand, but the fact is that I'm very close to thinking it's a fold . . . but when I'm at the tables, in the heat of play, I rarely have the presence of mind to make that decision. Because unlike the 5/10 game, my default is automatically to think they're full of crap. Or, at least, I Have Odds to call down to find out.

But here? King on the board, 3-betting-checkraising the preflop raiser? I don't think this is one of those obvious bluffin' places.

Then again, after reading ALL1N's latest post, I may never fold postflop again . . .
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