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Old 12-15-2005, 05:16 PM
EricW EricW is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 13
Default Re: funny story re: Matt Leinart


response from another friend of a friend:

Key takeaways:

"1) Really good looking, soon-to-be 100-millionaires strike out too

[/ QUOTE ]

Well it does look like the guy. However, I find it odd because he's apparently dating some extremely hot supermodel... but that doesn't mean he won't cheat of course.

And about the striking out thing, come on, everyone knows that if what happened was indeed true, it's most likely an outlier situation. The girls from Texas probably didn't know who he was for one thing. And secondly, he's pretty much a celebrity in So-Cal. Good looking, soon to be rich, already famous athletes will score many more times than they will strike out.
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