Thread: Golden Tee
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Old 12-15-2005, 05:00 PM
mmcd mmcd is offline
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Default Re: Golden Tee

I used to have one of these in my kitchen back in college, so I think that qualifies me as an expert.

The best way to hit a really long drive is just pound the [censored] of that trackball. You need to hit it with your hand using sort of a shallow "U" shaped motion so you don't jam your hand into the screen on your follow through. Your hand should hit the ball just below the bottom side of your knuckles. If you hit the ball with the bottom side of your knuckles, it won't hurt a hell of lot at first, but your hand will eventually get really sore and stay that way for awhile. Likewise if you hit it with the meaty area of your hand below the thumb.

And as for getting generally better: Learn how to hit good curve shots while avoiding trees and water. Work on being able to judge how far your shots will go with different clubs and different wind conditions. Learn to adjust to the wind properly. And finally, learn how to knock it in from just off the green using the 7-iron and/or 5-wood (draw back maybe 30% and hit the ball very lightly; adjust to the slope of the green as if you were on it and putting; make sure you land the ball in front of the hole at an appropriate angle and distance for the slope). This is how you get eagles.
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