Thread: Bush
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Old 12-15-2005, 02:46 PM
Kurn, son of Mogh Kurn, son of Mogh is offline
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Default Re: Bush

Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, the key foreign policy players, were all on public record of beingin favor of regime change in Iraq during the Clinton administration.

In and of itself, this was not a bad thing. Iraq was repeatedly thumbing its nose at the UN and violating the mandated no-fly zones, as well as stonewalling the weapons inspectors. Not to mention the other human rights violations that were SOP.

I don't know if the troops are aware of what would be the appropriate steps to provide the means of victory, but certinaly our troops know how the American politial system works and that a country where all march in lockstep to whatever the leader says would not be a country worth defending. I would think, therefore, that debate and critique would be welcomed by the troops.

I think its safe to say that some would welcome the debate and some would be demoralized.

The administration, however, deliberately failed to prepare for the occupation, thus jeopardizing the lives of our troops needlessly.

I don't know if the failure was deliberate, but I do agree that the war has been managed poorly. As much of a tax hawk as I am, I can't see fighting a real war and simultaneously cutting taxes. That makes no sense.

I hope that the world has indeed been made a safer place by our invasion of Iraq. I fear that is has not,

I suspect that in the short run it has not, but the goal is the long run and the long run is a lot longer than we probably think (sorry, had to work poker in somewhere). But if we're ever going to do the right thing for the Munich victims, Leon Klinghoffer, the Lockerbie victims, the Bali victims, the 9/11 victims and if we're ever going to do honor to the memory Anwar Sadat, this war must be fought. I don't expect it to end anytime soon. If it does, the free world loses.
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