Thread: Bush
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Old 12-15-2005, 12:28 PM
superleeds superleeds is offline
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Default Re: Bush

The evidence is crystal clear that the administration saw 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq, not as a reason.

Pure semantics.

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How so. What evidence is their that Iraq or any of it's agencies have any links to 9/11. Or failing that show me how 'excuse' and 'reason' mean essentially the same thing.

What evidence is there for that criticism of the administration’s handling of Iraq harms the morale of the troops?

because it plants the seed of doubt that, when the time comes to fund the war, that Congress may not take the appropriate steps to provide the means for victory.

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You mean like not supplying the numbers and equipment they need for the job. FYI, they already know.

It's not Iraq that was the real threat to the US, but Iraq has always been a piece of the problem. Liberating Iraq from Saddam is not the end of the problem. It's just the first step.

I applaud Bush for taking a the first decisive step in making the world a better place for my grandson.

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Ok you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs but if the cook sucks your grandson won't thank you for it.
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