Thread: Stupid Laws
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Old 12-15-2005, 03:06 AM
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Default Re: Stupid Laws

The problem with this dogr - is you can take any single action and rightly link it to an impact on other people, since nobody lives in a vacuum. Getting a bad haircut, masturbation, consuming fast food etc. And I'm not suggesting these links aren't real. But if we legislate based on secondary, tertiary etc consequence, we have reasonable grounds to outlaw anything we find distasteful, anything that has political utility to a particular legislator, anything at all, and this is happening. We have to draw the line at 'direct' consequences.

Marko: I just fundamentally disagree with you. I'm not convinced your assessment on the impact of legalising drugs is anything close to correct, but even if it is, so be it, civil liberties are infinitely more important to me. That's the consequence of having a government that treats it's citizens as adults, these issues should not be the domain of legislative bodies. Many people are stupid, or make bad choices, on issues that only harm themselves, or only 'maybe possibly' harm others through a complex series of degrees of seperation. Not hindering that process is the essence of of a free society.
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