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Old 12-15-2005, 02:59 AM
bernie bernie is offline
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Default Re: Laggiest Game Ever

Watch for spots where they slow down in the betting. Many times it's on the bigger streets. That's where they'll usually define their hands.

Also beware of any tight player entering the pot.

You're basically playing from the flop on as you know it will be capped preflop.

You could play the AA-QQ, AKs recommendation. Note that it also says your winrate will be lower, but your fluctuations won't be as great. That's the trade off.

What I play in these games:

All Pocket pairs. Sets are golden in these games.

All suited broadways JT or higher.

Only offsuit is AK. AQo some add in, I don't.

Axs. (Your ace could easily be good if you make a pair. You're not worried as much about being outkicked in these games)

Anticipate raises behind you postflop to better calculate odds for draws. This way you won't trap yourself. Know who the aggressors are during the hand.

There you go. You will still be sitting out for long periods waiting for these hands. If the fluctuations get to you too much, tighten it up. These are great games once you get used to them. They can be scary at first glance.

Bring a bulk size bottle of Maalox with you to the table.

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