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Old 12-15-2005, 01:45 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: OT: A note about Bellagio ME hands

people who are ALWAYS saying things like "You really HAVE to play this hand in such-and-such way" are either VERY GOOD players who you should be listening to OR are unable to think outside their very narroe box and think they are much better than they really are.

Ed Miller, Mason, Clarkmeister, Raymer, among others are in the former category of course....they frequently just tell you how it is and don't bother with "I suspect it's best to do it my way" (although they will say it in those terms as well.

But those who go off on how you HAVE to do this when they likely don't really know THAT much about it just wind up coming off as ridiculous as Gabbyyyy did when he was trying to tear apart Zeejustin and his big win.

The fact is, Zee is a very good player and Gabbyyy (and me and everyone else) would be wise to read his strategy posts and learn, learn, learn.
Others are just narrow-minded in how they approach poker and don't really understand it as well as they think they do.

Saying, "I think I probably wouldn't raise as much in this spot" is great.
Saying, "You HAVE to raise less here" is just an unwillingness to learn.
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