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Old 12-14-2005, 08:06 PM
gonores gonores is offline
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Location: Milwaukee, WI
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Default Re: MySpace Opener Theory Discussion

Okay...firstly I'd like to clarify that the whole "coming up with a great response" benefit of waiting a day or two is an ancilliary benefit. The main reason to wait is to make yourself inaccessible...this concept is not new. We've waited 1+ days to call a girl since the phone was invented.

becuase when she meets you and you're a doofus, the jig is up.

[/ QUOTE ]

So your theory is that if you are a doofus, you best chance for success would be to act like a doofus? Sorry, dude, but the smart and witty types get the girls. If you're socially awkward and not particularly engaging with women, you can and should practice becoming smart/witty...don't accept your doofusness as something you can't change.
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