Thread: Breathalyzers
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Old 12-14-2005, 05:32 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: bored at work
Posts: 602
Default Re: Breathalyzers

My friend bought an alcohawk and it was tons of fun to get sloppy and go for the high score.

Here is the inspiration for getting it

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12:59: I do the first shot. It doesn’t go down well. I decide to take a short break from drinking. The crowd is not impressed.

1:10: Reality sets in. I am going to vomit. A LOT. I try to discreetly make it outside.

1:11: I knock a girl over as I sprint through the door.

1:11: I trip over a bush, stumble into it, and begin throwing up. Out of my mouth. And nose. It is not pleasant.

1:14: I can’t figure out why my legs hurt so much. I look down at them in between heaves. I have no pants on. Thorns and branches are embedded in my shins.

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