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Old 12-14-2005, 02:25 PM
UATrewqaz UATrewqaz is offline
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Default Re: Why charts don\'t suck, or: Jeet Kune Do and poker

The low down on charts...

There is a small enough group of hands/positions/situations such that a person can build a preflop action chart and using it and it only can play pretty close to optimally preflop (the chart would be robust, covering both tight and loose games, and the player would have to know which area of the chart to use in some cases)

Any schmuck can find and use such a chart and play close enough to optimally preflop.

But this will do NOTHING for his postflop play or understanding.

The optimal preflop chart assumes you know how to play the hand well postflop. Thus rigidly following a chart will not make you a winner. It will make you better than somebody playing any 2 cards randomly, but you will never be a big winner.

As SSHE states (paraphrase) "Pick a simple and solid preflop strategy and then focus on your postflop play. Postflop is where the money is"

So beginners need to realize this, as you kind of elluded to.
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