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Old 12-14-2005, 01:27 PM
beeyjay beeyjay is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 61
Default Re: steping out of line (long)

I consider myself to be a decent player, but there have to be people that think im the biggest donk ever because I do a lot of really dumb things. In small stakes games I think the amount of players who are solid and play that way at ALL times is really limited.

Make a note of the stupid play, maybe it is a constant leak that they overyplay their overpairs or something like that - other than this they could be a flawless player, and a lot of the time when I have similar thoughts about a person I had pegged as decent, as their stats get to the 1,000 hand range they look a lot fishier than the 15/7 I had them at over 100 hands.
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