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Old 12-14-2005, 12:10 PM
kyzerjose kyzerjose is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: MN
Posts: 44
Default Re: How do you deal with your mistakes? Thoughts on going bust.


Well, I suggest that you start with living in the real world rather than whatever world you're in right now. Got your attention? Good!

You will continue to have problems as long as you continue to delude yourself and those around you about what's happening. Why the charade about being a successful player?

You'll continue to have problems by abusing your body. Lack of sleep and a bad diet too I bet. Yep, you'll make really smart decisions in that condition.

All of the advice in the world about BR management is a load of crap unless you're willing to do the hard stuff. Figure out what makes you play.

After the 5th time of busting out, slow learner, I finally took a long hard look at what was making me tick. I identified the triggers that set me up to have a "bad run".

1. Boredom - If my head is not in the game I'm doomed. I no longer delude myself into thinking that I can play my C game and beat the field. I bring my A or don't play.
2. Fatigue - A real killer. The game's always there. Get some sleep.
3. Hunger - see fatigue
4. Emotionally out of balance.
5. Illness

Don't be so concerned about what others think. If you're "hiding" your loses you may have a gambling problem. Or not. Either way it's delusional thinking.

You're human right? You get to make mistakes. You get to keep making the same mistakes until you learn the lesson. I'm sure you've heard the old saw about a definition of insanity would include making the same poor decisions time after time and expecting a different result.

Your choice. Best of luck.
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