Thread: Valuebet!
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Old 12-14-2005, 11:04 AM
noir noir is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 42
Default Re: Valuebet!

I haven't played cash games on UB in some time if that means anything to you, but I find it very hard to believe that a person with those stats would cap that board given your action without a hand that crushes JJ. I would have had to observed some serious stuff on his part to continue. Folks rarely cap lightly.

The threeflush is what enables this type of player to make these kinds of moves. Thwart them. Not only will you gain in this situation, but you will earn respect. He likely won't try to mess with you in these kinds of spots, and that's worth money too.

Look into the mind of the LAG. He takes pleasure in pushing around those he labels as timid - sometimes it yields him profit; sometimes, though he loses the hand, he takes satisfaction in simply slowing someone down. He sees it as a victory. That's what he gets for the money he gives you.
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