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Old 12-14-2005, 09:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: flopped trips - any escape from the donk?

Hey Registrar, I play at Will Hill also and have come to the following conclusion - Don't try to work out what the donk bets mean because they don't even know THEMSELVES.

I was reading somewhere recently about understanding why you are betting and what you want to happen etc but these guys imo often are betting for the sake of it. They have no idea why other than they want to win the pot. If that means catching runner runner then so be it. If that means betting into a 3 flush board without a chance then so be it. Occasionally they do something that looks clever but I honestly think sometimes it's dangerous to over analyse their play.

Is there really a reason that "anotherdonk01" goes all in for £35 on a cash table with a total of £0.75 in the pot, in early position with A 10o? Total outdrawing monkey bingo action is the answer!

[b]<font color="blue">BingoChimp[b]</font>
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