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Old 12-14-2005, 09:13 AM
tonypaladino tonypaladino is offline
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Default Re: Have aliens visited earth?

With the barrier of the speed of light, it is extremely unlikely (effectively impossible) we have been visited.

I think there is a chance that this barrier can be broken with space travel, but it is very unlikely (almost impossible) that this is the case. I think this is the key mistake most of the 26% who voted yes on Q2 are making, because if you think the barrier cant be broken I cant see how any logical person could say its remotely likely we've been visited.

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Who is to say the speed of light must be exeeded? For all we know, in the event that there is life on another planet, they might have a lifespan of several hundred thousand years. Crazy, yes, but so is any of this talk.
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