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Old 12-14-2005, 06:41 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: The Official XCOM Thread

Yes, smoke is very useful for concealment for those reasons.

I will reiterate my other point about it too, though. Your guys will sometimes collapse without enough health to survive if they are not picked up and taken out of smoke. Sometimes you can get to them in time, sometimes you just can't. There's no one way or the other here; it varies.

Wookie, you speak of letting soldiers die. They're very expensive, and I don't let them die lightly.

One more thing about tanks. They take up four spaces that could be used for leveling up soldiers. Which is not to say they're bad, but that everything has a cost. Considering how valuable increased stats are in this game, how critical even, I tend to think of the game as a giant machine for testing out soldiers and leveling them up. You need good ones badly, but they aren't necessarily all that common, especially as regards psi vulnerability, which is extremelyh common. I like being able to stat up and kick out as many soldiers as I can, and sacrificing a big chunk of my squad to a piece of metal that doesn't level, and dies as often as anything else, isn't a trade off I like.

Just a matter of taste, though.
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