Thread: KJo- OOP
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Old 12-14-2005, 05:29 AM
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Default Re: KJo- OOP

Thanks for the good advice here. I guess I should clarify the action even more though - on the flop i checked, fishy checked, Co bet and Button just called. If the button folded, a check/raise would be entirely standard.

The taggy button just calling in this decent-sized pot raised some warning flags in my mind. If i was him, I'd raise to thin the field vs the lag. Therefore when he merely called, I saw myself outkicked or drawing nearly dead to a set, and folded.

Terribly weak-tight? Or close?

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I wouldnt call it Terribly weak-tight. I think the word terrible pretty much describes it. I am not trying to be mean here just constructive. You have top pair so youre not going any where. You probably have the MP1 beat cuz he'll limp with many holdings. The CO will autobet this flop whether he misses or not cuz thats what lags do so the odds that you have a better hand than the CO are significantly in your favor. Lastly, the Tag just called when the laggy CO bet. This is a great sign for you!! why you ask? becuz right away you should realize that the Tag doesnt have a hand like AJ since he wouldve raised the flop. The tag also cannot have two pair on this board since he is a tight player. Well its true that the Tag could be slowplaying a monster like a set of nines here but he mightve raised the flop with this hand also since the board is highly coordinated so he knows he's likely to get action. The most likely hand for a Tag player when he just calls this flop is some kind of drawing hand, it could be anything from two hearts, to a hand like AK,AQ,KQ. These holdings are much more likely than a flopped set. So bottom line you should not be folding this flop as the odds you have the best hand right now are very high, and this is a good sized pot that you would like to win, so you should checkraise to force the MP1 guy out. Making tough folds is not the way to make money playing limit poker. It sounds to me like you need to do some serious reading and thinking about the game. Read all the good 2+2 books on limit holdem starting with "Small Stakes holdem" and keep reading and posting hands on this website.
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