Thread: Lieberman
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Old 12-14-2005, 04:29 AM
QuadsOverQuads QuadsOverQuads is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Default Re: Lieberman

The fact is that even if our involvement is wrong as you believe it to be

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First off, it IS wrong. Bush and his crew lied the nation into a war of aggression. That is a war crime and a crime against the nation. There is NO legitimate defense of this criminal conduct, whatever your partisan affection for the man may be.

then such criticism lets the enemy know that we are divided

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America IS divided.

Get used to it.

You did it by lying the nation into a war of aggression.

and that possibly by continuing a resistance they otherwise would not

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Tell me you're not really this stupid.


Iraqis are not attacking an occupying army because Bush is domestically unpopular ten thousand miles away. They are attacking an occupying army because it is an occupying army.

How geniunely stupid do you have to be not to recognize this?

that we will lack the political unity to see it through.

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"see it through". What a lovely sounding political catch-phrase. And what does it mean? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Because you don't have an exit strategy. You NEVER had an exit strategy. You people just like repeating Hallmark Card phrases like "stay the course" and "see it through", while ten thousand miles away American soldiers and Iraqi civilians are being maimed and burned and killed to supply you with your Hallmark Moments.

But the truth is that you really don't care, just as long as you get to accuse your political opponents of "disloyalty", in furtherance of your own partisan politics. It's shameful behavior, and you hacks should be called on it every day, every hour, every minute.

This thus endangers more soldiers' lives who otherwise would get to come home sooner.

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Here's a way to get them "home sooner" : bring them home NOW.

Or, in the alternative, let's send America's Young Republicans to take their place. I'm sure Rush would be happy to help with the recruitment effort. And if you don't want to sign up and see the bloodshed firsthand, well, he can just tell his millions of listeners that you're a traitor. And naturally they'll believe him. Because real patriots don't ask questions. Right? Right.

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