Thread: TAG
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Old 12-14-2005, 12:37 AM
jhall23 jhall23 is offline
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Default Re: TAG

This seems to be going nowhere. I don't really get what the problem is. TAG is just a general term that means Tight and Aggressive. It is not like there is only ONE type of TAG player. There could be someone who is Tight and Aggressive and very tough and someone who is Tight and Aggressive and very weak. A tougher player will probably do things like know when to fire multiple barrells, finding good spots to pick up pots, be able to make good calls with weakish hands etc. The weaker player might still be aggressive but be overall very predicatable, folds too often doesn't bluff past the flop and so easy to pick on. There's many shades to this.

So TAG in a description doesn't alway paint a complete picture and may be what Ghaz was getting at.
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